7 Reasons Why Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day


I know that in our present day society and large cities most of uswake up early and set out for our daily job as early as 6:00am giving no space for a breakfast. But am sure you have heard that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I can bet you always wonder why. Here are the top 7 health backed reasons you should be taking your breakfast before setting out for the days job.

1. Breakfast Helps You To Slim Down
Now am sure this surely surprised you, I know most of us tend to avoid breakfast as a tactics to slim down, but in truth that doesn't work as effective as when you eat in the morning. Eating a healthy breakfast can help prevent you from gaining weight. The weight gained by not eating a healthy breakfast or skipping breakfast completely comes from eating more calories later in the day to make up for what was not available for the body at the time of breakfast.

2. Lower the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Taking a healthy breakfast lowers weight gain and obesity, and ultimately reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is something you would surely want to avoid as the symptoms are not desirable, the symptoms include thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurred vision, increased hunger and frequent infections.

3. Eating A Healthy Breakfast Reduces Heart Disease

A healthy diet, a healthy weight, avoiding drugs and smoking, and exercise can prevent incidences of cardiovascular disease. And one of the first step to reducing this risk is taking a healthy breakfast.

4. A Healthy Breakfast Helps Enhance Your Memory

Forget memory boosting drugs you can enhance your memory by simply eating breakfast. To get the good grades and maximum office performance then it is advised you fuel you brain in the morning with healthy food and not just a cup of coffee.

5. Eating Breakfast Helps Fight Cravings

If you are thinking about an healthy diet plan one of the things you would want to cross out of your diet are those unhealthy cravings but believe it when you don't take your breakfast by mid-morning all you would be thinking about is a delicious sugary pastry. This is normal as our brains crave these calorie laden snacks to make up for what we missed out on when ‘fasting’. So do yourself a favour and eat that healthy breakfast before setting out.

6. Get Your Daily Intake of Nutrients

Eating a healthy breakfast would sure help you if you’re trying to get your daily dose of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients, as taking just two meals would surely make it difficult to attain your nutrient intake target.

7. A Healthy Breakfast Prevents Common Cold and Flu

Taking a healthy breakfast daily helps your body prevent common cold and flu. Researchers at Cardiff University also claim that people who skip breakfast are more prone to infections – perhaps because white blood cells, which fight infection, need a morning boost.

That would be all for now on Top 7 Health Reasons Why Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day. If you have any contributions kindly use the comment box below

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