5 Most Underrated Courses In Nigerian Tertiary Institutions

There have been series of arguments about the superiority of some courses in Nigerian Tertiary institutions: some students feel their course of study is more important and special than others. Don’t worry, I’m not here to bore you with my opinion about that-maybe I will put that forward another day.
Some courses, students or departments in our schools have been facing this inferiority tag. Because of this, some lose interest in their course or ashamed but we still have the proud ones who don’t care. I still don’t know what people see wrong with these courses that they tend to underrate but here is the list:
The 5 Most Underrated Courses in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions are
1. History
People don’t just see reasons why someone will go and spend four years or more to study past events. History students are always tagged archaic; their discussions and studies are always based on passed dates and events. You might be tempted to feel superior to someone who all what he has to offer is events that happened even before Christ (BC) in this 21st century.
2. Agriculture
Agriculture students are popularly called “farmers”. I don’t know why people look down on this course? Maybe because you always see them in campus with farming tools and in their farm. I am sure others undermine them because they are naive about the fortune they can make with the knowledge of the course. People are going back to Agriculture and embracing it daily, so I believe this should be out of this list soon.
3. Nigerian Languages
“Hey babe! What Course are you studying in school?” and her reply was “Yoruba Language”. My friend bursted into laughter telling me why didn’t she just go to a typical village and mingle with the villagers to learn their language, instead of coming to school. Students studying Nigerian Languages faces this downgrade almost every day in school.
4. Education Courses
Because of the poor treatments being accoladed to teachers in Nigeria, students studying any education course are degraded-students see them as another “suffer head” teacher to be. They have forgotten that without teachers, they won’t be where they are presently and we now have successful teachers making it big.
5. Zoology/Botany
Zoology and Botany are different branches of Biology and what they do is to study plants and animals. Because zoology is related with “Zoo”, other students assumes all the students studying it will end up in the Zoo.
Do you agree with this List? – Drop your Comments.
Written by:- Shogat
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