The mention of school is a thing that scares both parents and students. The thought of the financial demands for education put at $54,000 (up to undergrad level) is enough to make one consider celibacy. While many people think of school tuition as something that is expensive and unaffordable, in reality, there are actually many ways that going to school can be done without incurring a heavy cost.

In fact, there are several places in the world that will pay students to attend school. Yes — some governments will actually provide young people money to go elementary, middle and high school, as well as college and graduate school. If you want to know where in the world you can get paid to go to school, check out the list of places below:
1. Sweden
This Scandinavian country has long been known as one rare part of the world that helps its students financially when it comes to education. In Sweden, one of the Scandinavian countries known for having an excellent education system, the country’s government pays students that go to school about $187 per month. This helps cover costs of food, supplies and more.
2. Denmark
In Denmark, the government pays kids to go to college. If students choose not to live with their parents, the country’s government will pay them the equivalent of about $900 per month. Any Danish citizen over the age of 18 is entitled to the funding for up to 6 years of schooling after high school. What do you think about that?
3. Australia
Australia is also well known for offering its citizens grad school for free — plus more. The government will offer native Australians the chance to attend grad school tuition for free plus a scholarship to help with their living expenses. However, it’s not as easy to land a scholarship in Australia if you are a foreigner looking to go to school in the Land of Oz
4. Finland
Another Scandinavian country that makes it more financially comfortable to go to school is Finland. Children of all years, from kindergarten to elementary school to middle and high school, get free education. Additionally, Finnish college students get a stipend to live on while they are at school, making education a more feasible and practical endeavor.
5. Is there any other place? NIGERIA
Yes. Many states in Nigeria offer free education from kindergarten up to high school. Surprisingly, Imo states offer indigene free education at its state university to natives and also there is also the perks of bursar payment to undergraduates that are natives. How true this is, we don’t know but you can help us on this. Or what do you think?
Source: www.webspacetv.com

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