Must Read: How I Learnt A Lifetime Lesson From Tramadol Abuse

Here is the story of how this man learnt a lifetime lesson from the use of Tramadol. I hope this would teach us a lesson also and keep us away from drug abuse. Note: This story was originally posted by enasgreat on Nairaland.

Hi, I have issues with lasting long in bed. Not that I don't last long optimally when making love, but the point is that I have always craved to go beyond 10mins. This quest for longevity during s*x made me to be so much inquisitive about exploring available new things or ideas.

I'm a kinda 'jack the lad' ; I like moving out with my guys and cruzing of life. In the course of a recent outing with my guys, I decided to throw my mind open on this very issue. Most of them laughed the hell out of me, but finally they gave me unanimous solution to how I can improve my s*x life. Their unanimity based specifically on a powerful drug called: “TRAMADOL.” They advised me that any time I want to have s*x; that I should take at least, 400mg tablet of the drug, 40mins to an hour to the time, alongside a bottle of MEDIUM STOUT. I was very happy and was optimistic of the new found knowledge, and was even relishing the thought of how I gonna make my girl friend go crazy through multiple orgasms. As anticipated, my girl friend visited me yesterday evening around 7pm, she wanted us to make love but I was not having TRAMADOL that moment. I excused her and sped off like Usain Bolt to see if I could buy from road side chemist shops; but to my surprise, each of the few shops I checked denied ever having the TRAMADOL. Interestingly, I noticed the level of anxiety displayed by the chemist shop owners. My hope of getting the drug that night(yesterday's night) dashed. I came back disappointed.

Furthermore, today in the morning around 7am; I contacted one of my guys to come see me, which he didn't hesitate. I narrated my ordeals of yesterday to him, and he laughed at me as though I was stupid in the first place. He said, “how dare you walk to a chemist shop and demand for a contraband drug like TRAMADOL...don't you know they don't sell it to unknown faces?” From that point I got clearer picture of the drug's capability. But still I insisted he get me a card of it, which he did. In the follow up of the aftermath of what happened yesterday, my girl was still confused as to why I didn't want to touch her yesterday; but she didn't see when my guy sneaked in the TRAMADOL card, she was busy with breakfast meal preparation.

In the build up. After breakfast, I gisted with my girl and patiently waited for an ample opportunity, where I would be able to swallow 2 tablet 200mg of the drug to make it 400mg in total. That opportunity came when she went into the bathroom to shower. So after I secretly took the drug - that was around 11am - I went in to shower as well. When I came out; I opened a bottle of medium stout beer and was sipping gradually and waiting for the one hour to elapse. My girl couldn't understand why I was taking beer, while it was still morning; but I knew what I was doing. 

Quaisi-fatally, while I was still arguing with my girl after an hour period elapsed - specifically around to 1pm - on why I shouldn't take beer when I deem it necessary. I started noticing severe dizziness, nausea, profusely sweating, breath seizure, weakness and intense hunger, as if I hadn't eating for days. Chai!!! I could not stand any longer at this point... Jeez! It was terrible to the point that I had to open up to my girl about what I took, should I die, and even told her that she should tell my family that I took a drug called: TRAMADOL, that she should not hide anything to avoid being held responsible for my death, because at that point it seemed inevictable. That point in time she shouted asked why I had to do so, but I was too weak to reply her. I was just looking helplessly. Luckily, my girl being a 400l pharmacy student, she have a basic knowledge of drugs dispensation, and definitely have knowledge of drugs that could counter the effect of that TRAMADOL in my system. She zapped off from my apartment and headed to a pharmacy store and bought some drugs which she admistered to me along side some energy drinks, before I started recovering. But while she was away to buy the counter-drugs, I had already written a note to tell the world that my girl was not responsible for my seemingly inevitable death that time. In fact, I stated emphatically that I was the sole cause and contributor to my death, that nobody should harass my girl at all, and I appended my signature. When she saw what I had written in the evening around 5pm today, she cried uncontrollably.

Lastly, guys don't delve into stuffs because others do. If you don't know the source of their strength in doing those things. Even now I still feel some how but I thank God for the gift of my girl friend. I promised her; it not gonna happen again.

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