5 Things Your Lover Does Not Want to Hear About Your Ex Boyfriend


It is so normal in every new relationship for issues about your EX to come up. You would like to know what led to the previous breakup and other fun stuffs. But in truth there are somethings every guy would not like to hear about your EX so I believe the five listed below would sure help some ladies keep quiet.

1. Your Heart Was Broken: Telling your new guy that you struggled to get over your ex boyfriend might not be a bright idea, especially if you keep bringing up the topic regularly. The new guy may question in his head whether you are really over with your ex.

2. He Had Lots Of Money: Please don't talk about this even though it is true. Telling your new boyfriend that your ex had a lot of money and spent a lot on you might make him feel bad when he doesn't have much to spend on you. So save him that by not telling him

3. You Share A Spot: Even if some of your experiences with your current boyfriend have occurred in the past don't spill it out to his face. Everyone want to be the first of feel like the first so stop telling him about how your ex had strolled that path before.

4. Your Future plans: Its normal to have made plans with your ex, but am sure your new guy doesn't want to hear about it. You’re both going to want to make new plans together that focus on the things that you both want to do. Stop thinking about those other plans you made and start focusing on your new ones.

5. The Bedroom Activities: This is one thing every guy would sure hate. Being compared with your ex in the bedroom. If you’re mentioning your ex in the bedroom, it means the guy is still on your mind and that doesn’t sound too great for your current boyfriend. 

That would be all for now on 5 Things Your Lover Does Not Want to Hear About Your Ex Boyfriend. If you have any contributions kindly use the comment box below.

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