Devilish Child!! Young Boy Caught On Camera Biting, Kicking & Punching Babies At Daycare (Video)


A young boy has sparked serious outrage online after he was caught on camera unleashing hell on youngsters. 
It is usual for working mothers to leave behind their babies and go to work.
This move is unanimously accepted as one of the most difficult decisions these mothers have to make.
After the maternity leave, these women leave their babies with a house help or take them to a daycare. In both cases, the baby’s safety is not guaranteed.
There have been reports of house helps mistreating toddlers left in their care. They are not safe in the daycare either.
A video posted on Facebook by Deandre Bash shows just how children can be hurt in places where they ought to be safe.
A nine-year-old was caught on security camera assaulting other children at a daycare in Mississippi, US.
Police could not file any criminal charges against the boy as he was under 12. A daycare worker was charged with two counts of contributing to the neglect of a minor after the incident.
WARNING:- Viewer’s Discretion is Advised
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