The word “lie”, is a false statement that can be told just to either prank someone or make someone not to understand something intentionally. Though everybody lies, but in this context, I’ll be explaining why most men lie to women in relationships. This is true because most men see it as a need to lie to women just because if the truth is being told, some certain targets can’t be met. It has become a part of every relationship that the man ‘must’ either lie to the woman to keep the relationship going or to risk ending the relationship if being told the truth. As to what I believe in, Men lie most in relationships more than the women.

Some of the reasons below entails the main views of why men intentionally lie to women in relationships.
Why Do Men Lie To Women In Relationships?
The main reason men want to Impress women is the fear of rejection. As powerful and strong a man is, he still regards a woman he cares for and love. The woman has more power over him, she can make him weak or strong. Men fear the aftermath of women’s feeling, words, and reactions.
When a man proposes to a lady there is tendency that the man will lie to her. He lies to impress the lady of what he is actually not because of the fear of being rejected for who he is.  He thinks his status is not good enough to have her.  So he spice it up with lies to make his words sound sweeter and better to get what he wants. Some men thinks every woman want lies or believe that better.
Any man who cheats on his wife is likely to lie about what he did for his wife or the family not to react to it, therefore, he does this to defend himself. Some men pretend to be faithful, their words of lies shows they are faithful whereas they are not. They do this just to satisfy their wants. These words of defence is only to women they don’t want to loose or women who fits into their life plan. But if a man do not lie to cover up even when caught cheating it means the man does not see the lady as fitting into his life plan or tired of the relationship.
Most men don’t want to hurt women’s  feelings. They say all they can to make you feel relaxed and at ease even if 90% of all they said are lies. Perhaps, he has realised you do not agree or handle the truth he ones told you well. They will opt in to telling lies to please you. If you as a woman is the type who gets angry and dramatic when he tells you the truth,  you are training and encouraging him to lie.


Most men with high thinking ability grasp that opportunity to maintain relief in their relationship by just agreeing to certain opinions instead of arguing. As a man, in some occasions when it looks as if the both are quarrelling and she just can’t stop arguing, he might not want to here more words from her so he tries to agree and lie about some certain key things just to avoid more arguments.

In a bid to make their partners happy and proud of them, they can just put up a little lie just to make their works hyped in the eyes of their partners and feel proud of them, whereas they’ve not gotten up to the extent of what they are about to achieve.
Virtually, many women has been lied to in one way or the other by men, but I’ve noticed that some men are not really given the opportunity to explain themselves out and sometimes due to the fear of the partner not been hurt. Actually, there is a treatment for men’s lie which is women. Women should make men feel comfortable to tell them the truth. The way women handle the situation after the truth matters alot. You have the power to make your man truthful to you.
You as a woman, try handle things in a calm way if you really want your man to tell you the truth.
Written by Hassan Bolanle

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