As part of the new life strategy that comes in the new year, people try to change from some certain things they’ve been doing that hasn’t been favouring them. Therefore, people bring up resolution for themselves in the new year, and some do stand by their words, while others find it hard to follow up to what they’ve decided upon.

Here are some ways ‘I think’ you can use to stick with your new year resolution and make life splendid for yourself and those around you.

1. Decide with your heart, be ready to fight against temptations. 

This is the first thing I think you should do before thinking of having new year resolution. You should decide the plans you have for the new year and how you want it to appear in your life and things you’d want to change about yourself and the environment. Be ready to devote your time in your plans, take it as a challenge that you ‘must’ be committed to your plans no matter the temptations that will come in the process. Take it that you don’t wanna live that life of the past, you’re now in a new era altogether and nothing should stand as a barrier.

2. Note down/Write down your plans and resolution.

I think this should follow up after deciding your plans for the year. Write down the context of your resolution in a notebook, notepad or pc/mobile phone notes (a perfect example is the ‘Docs to Go’ app I use on my BlackBerry 10 smartphone). The reason why you need to write them down is to keep you focused and determined as you’ll be tracking your progress daily/weekly. Let your write-ups be succinct and straightforward, and should come in summary for you to easily read up and act.

3. Be aware of friends who will bring you back, keep them off you. 

Before a target is been set, some certain things that will cause hindrance have to be removed. For example, one of your resolution is to stop ‘smoking’ and you know you have friends who have not yet decided that for themselves, you’ll have to stay far from them else you ‘might’ be brought back to what you’ve planned to leave. This is true and that’s why you ‘must’ need to stick with the number #1 point I wrote on and get alternatives to it before further processes.

4. Do not procrastinate, start somewhere!

Be true to yourself, don’t hesitate to carry out the tasks you’ve written with the influence of procrastination. Ensure to start somewhere amidst temptations. Procrastination only end up bringing your plans down and for you to make it, you need to start somewhere no matter what.

5. Act and Believe you can make it. 

This is the last thing you should do, atleast, believe in yourself. Believe that you can do it no matter what the mistakes or error you might get, don’t stop until you’ve achieved the goal. Believe and trust yourself that you can make it. Know that ‘you can only if you think you can’.
Make the new year a favourable one for you and stick to whatever you believe in as far as it’s part of your target. Change yourself and change your environment in anyway you can and stick to your plans.

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