You know that big biology text book you hated to
read in your senior secondary school, what’s it’s
name again ………………………………………? Yes Modern
Biology. Well it has come back to hunt you #
evillaugh uwahahahahaha. Okay seriously, every
woman should know basic things about her body,
so you can tell why certain changes occur in your
body and when to see your doctor. Estrogen is
one of those things you should have knowledge of
and have no fear I wont sound like your biology
teacher, I’ll just outline 9 basic fact you should
know about Estrogen
1) Estrogen can also be known as Oestrogen (the
O is silent). Oestrogen is what we were taught in
Nigerian secondary schools but in some other
countries they teach Estrogen. O or E it doesn’t
matter, it is it’s function that is most important.
2) Estrogen is the female’s primary sex hormone.
Personally, I like to think of it as the hormone
that makes a Woman a Woman. It is responsible
for development and regulation of the female
reproductive system and characteristics in a
Woman’s body. look at it this way, if you didn’t
have Estrogen, you wouldn’t have breast or ass,
you wouldn’t menstruate or even ovulate, you
probably wouldn’t even have a womb. You
wouldn’t have figure eight or small voice tone. So
when you wake up in the morning you better
thank your Estrogen for make making men turn
their necks when you pass by.
3) Men also produce Estrogen although in small
amounts. The role estrogen plays in men is not
entirely clear.
4) Estrogen is responsible for thicken the lining of
the womb with blood where the egg will rest each
month in anticipation of a sperm to fertilize her.
In simple English; Once a month, your estrogen
gathers blood and dresses (thickens) your womb
for your egg to sleep comfortably waiting for a
sperm to come and sweep her off her feet. When
this doesn’t happen your egg and the bed your
estrogen prepared for her comes out as
5) Estrogen works together with calcium, vitamin
D and other hormones and minerals to build
bones. That is why many women suffer from
osteoporosis ( a decease that makes bones weak
and break) when they reach menopause i.e when
their estrogen level drops.
6) Increase in Estrogen level reduces bowel
movement and results in constipation. How my
dad explained it to me (he’s a medical doctor).
Estrogen makes the body soft so when your
estrogen level increases during ovulation or
pregnancy it softens your bowels and when your
bowels are softer than usual, they wont be able to
move very well and when they don’t move
properly you will have constipation. So you see
why you have constipation weeks before you
7) Estrogen has also been linked to mood swings.
That is why you get unnecessarily emotional,
angry and even romantic during PMS
8) Estrogen is to women what testosterone is to
9) Absence or low level of Estrogen can cause
vagina dryness and painful sex. If you’re
experiencing dryness of vagina then you should
see your doctor about it, you might need to boost
your estrogen intake

Hope I made it easy for you to understand…..

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