We have heard it over and over again why it is
important for us as women to wear cotton
panties but some ladies still don’t take it very
seriously. Personally, wearing cotton panties is
something I don’t compromise on. Yeast infection
is no joke. The prolonged yeast infection you’ve
been battling might be you re-infecting yourself
by wearing the wrong panties so just in-case
you’ve never heard it before or you don’t quite
understand this is why you should always wear
cotton underwear.

number one reason why the doctors prescribe
cotton panties is because it prevents yeast
infections. Yeast develops in a warm and moist
environment and cotton absorbs moisture. When
you wear underwear made from synthetic
materials, instead of absorbing, they trap moisture
in your vagina and before long you will start
feeling some itching sensations and what follows
after is yeast.

STOPS ODOR: feel sexier but they also trap urine
and sweat which in-turn will cause vagina odour.
If your are having vagina odour problems, stop
reading this article right now, pour out the
contents of your underwear bag, select all your
synthetic under-wears and dispose of them right
away. Then come back and continue reading lolz

an absorber, when excess blood slips of your pad
and spills on your panties during your period, it
will absorb it.

PREVENTS IRRITATION: Cotton is very soft and
comfortable therefore it doesn’t cause skin
irritation as some synthetic materials. If your butt
(not inside your vagina) itches you when you
wear some certain panties it means your skin is
being irritated by that material, these are the kind
of things you don’t experience with cotton

BREATHABLE: Cotton is allows your vagina to
breathe. It has pores that allow air to pass
through thereby reducing moisture in your vagina
and keeping you dry and far from yeast infections.
Other materials don’t breathe therefore creating
heat and moisture down there.
Many women don’t buy cotton underwear
because these under garments don’t look as sexy
as the synthetic panties. It’s because you’re not
looking hard enough. There are cotton underwears
that are sexy although not as easy to find as
nylon and other materials. If I were you I would
rather buy those grandma looking panties and
stay safe than look sexy. Besides the guys we
wear these things for don’t even know the
difference, all they want to do is take it of.

Anyway, manufacturers of cotton panties have started making them look sexy so you can now use one stone to kill too birds. If you still insist on wearing synthetic panties, make sure the crotch is made of cotton.


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