Humility is a much overlooked concept in modern
A quick search of humility from Google brings up
synonyms like “meekness, lowliness, submission”.
Generally speaking, humility is seen as having a
low estimate of one’s own importance or
This is an outdated definition of the phrase, and
it deserves an overhaul.
I propose that we re-frame what humility means
to us as people on the path of increased self-
awareness and personal growth.
Humility: to be proud of your accomplishments
and abilities while maintaining a healthy level of
awareness about the love and support that
allowed you to get to where you currently are.
You realize that it wasn’t all your doing.
To be sure that we’re on the same page with
this new and improved definition of the word,
here are five ways that you can action-step
humility into your empowered life.
1. Actively Practice Gratitude Towards Peers,
Mentors, And Family
The people that you have surrounded yourself
with your entire life have helped shape who you
are today. Mirror their love and encouragement
back to them on a regular basis.
Send extended thank you letters, treat people to
meals, let others know the effect that they have
had on your life. Be honest and lavish with your
2. Work On Becoming An Amazing Listener
One of the earliest lessons that my father taught
me about life is that “You have two ears and
one mouth, use them accordingly”.
Other people have wisdom that you don’t yet
possess. Always seek first to understand, and
then be understood. And don’t brag, it never
gets you anywhere.
3. Pay The Support Forward
When your emotional well-being is overflowing
because of others contributions to your character,
there is a natural desire to want to pay it
Be constantly on the look out for ways to add
value to other peoples’ lives.
4. Be Direct About Giving Credit Where Credit Is
Always be forthcoming and transparent about
other people’s contributions to your
Imagine you get a heaping dose of praise from
someone on a project that you completed 80% of
the work on and the other contributor isn’t
around. It is your ego that wants to bask in the
praise and take it all for yourself. It is your
integrity that is urging you to mention that you
had help along the way.
If you feed your ‘lower self’ attention by basking
in the praise, your character and emotional state
will suffer. If you make an effort (even if it
seems awkward to bring it up) to mention the
work of your co-contributor, you will feel better
about yourself and your integrity will remain
Don’t take the easy way out.
5. Show Respect To Every Single Person That
You Interact With
How you do anything is how you do everything.
If you are a good person to friends and mentors
but you are rude to restaurant servers, that
speaks directly to your character.
Treat every single person that you meet like
family and it will make you a happier, and better
Don’t let this habit slide. Every time that you
do feed into this habit a part of you will feel
terrible, and even more of the other person will
feel just as bad.


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